What is a DIM?

Un DIM (Domaine de recherche et d’innovation majeur) est un réseau de recherche, sélectionné par le comité scientifique de la Région pour son caractère structurant, pluridisciplinaire et fédérateur. Pour la période 2022-2026, neuf DIM ont [...]

Why join MaTerRE?

Joining the network will make your team appears on the directory but that’s not all! You can benefit from training for all researchers and students, support for the organization of scientific events (logistics and/or financial), [...]

Who can join MaTerRE?

Any research lab or team working on MaTerRE themes in Paris Region can join MaTerRE. Socio-economic partners involved in these areas may also become partners in the network.

How to join MaTerRE?

If you are an academic research team or lab of the Ile de France Region, you can join the network by sending us the completed form below to dim-materre@espci.psl.eu If you are a socio-economic partner, [...]

What is the maximum financing rate?

Operating costs are eligible up to 100%. However, the financing rate for a project or event may vary. Co-financing is strongly encouraged. Equipment is eligible up to 66%. The effective financing rate may vary. Co-financing [...]

Can an industrial partner cofund my project?

Yes, under certain conditions. We invite you to contact us at dim-materre@espci.psl.eu to discuss the financing plan previously to your submission. In any case, letters of commitment and support will be requested.