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You are a team or a laboratory in the Ile de France region and you work on the themes and/or the methodological axes of MaTerRE ? Join [...]

Thesis offer – LCMCP

LCMCP is looking for a PhD student in materials chemistry and physics to work on the project “Toward polaritonic (electro) catalytic materials: exploring the production of H2 [...]

Post-doctoral position

The ITODYS laboratory, a member of MaTerRE, is looking for a postdoctoral fellow in catalysis and physico-chemistry to work on the CATHY project, funded by the DIM [...]

Double•Science Festival

Come meet the researchers of DIM MaTerRE and play our thematic board games on Saturday, June 8th at the Double•Science Festival! Double•Science is a free & interdisciplinary [...]

June 8th and 9th 2024

Thesis offer – PIMM

Cyrille Sollogoub, member of the DIM steering committee, and Sébastien Roland, leader of the CoMiX project funded by MaTerRE, are looking for a physicist or physico-chemist candidate [...]

René Dabard Thesis Prize

Did you obtained your chemistry thesis in 2023? The Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes launches the René Dabard Thesis Prize, open to all French doctors! [...]