“Journées de la Chimie de Coordination” 2025- Société chimique de France

Event Information

Date :from January 27 to 28, 2025.
Place :Université Paris-Saclay (Henri Moissan building)

The Division of Coordination Chemistry of the Société Chimique de France (SCF) – with more than 400 members – organizes its yearly scientific meeting “Journées de la Chimie de Coordination” (JCC) that gathers around 150 participants.

This event will take place at the prestigious campus of Université Paris-Saclay (Henri Moissan Building) from the 27th to the 28th of January 2025.

The Division of Coordination Chemistry is at the carrefour of hot research topics such as Catalysis, Physical Chemistry, Bioinorganic/Bioorganic chemistry, Electrochemistry, Photochemistry, Energy, Magnetism etc. It is honored to host the latest French Nobel Prize Pr. Jean Pierre Sauvage (2016) and other distinguished French researchers.

The registration deadline is January 10.

Find out more about rates and the program and to register :

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