Electrochimie Physico-chimie aux Interfaces

The EPI group is involved in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical (photo)reduction of CO2 via the solvated electron that is (photo)generated in-situ in liquid ammonia (-55°C and Patm). The group is developing the photogeneration of H2 by electrochemistry in aqueous media and liquid ammonia. These activities are made possible by the group’s expertise in semiconductor photoelectrochemistry. Interfacial modifications of semiconductor/electrolyte interfaces can be monitored in-situ by (photo) electro(photo)luminescence and solution chemistry analysis (ICP-OES). Interface modifications are consistent by the control of multiscale access for the determination of surface chemistry via the Centre de Spectroscopie et Formation et Analyses de Surfaces (CEFS2) and the development of characterisation methodologies to meet these societal challenges.
- Anne-Marie Goncalves
- Mathieu Frégnaux
- Muriel Bouttemy