Catégories :
data-driven approacheshigh pressureHydrogen storagemachine learningmaterials for energy
PHYSIcs of simple systems in eXtreme conditions

The research axes of the team in connection with MaTerRe are:
- Formation, stability and gas exchange in natural and synthetic methane and hydrogen hydrates
- Synthesis of new metal hydrides and nitrides under high ammonia pressure for energy and hydrogen storage
- Study of the strength of steels under high H2 pressure for hydrogen storage – Machine learning and data-driven approaches for numerical studies of materials for energy
- Bellin Christophe
- Bove Livia E.
- Datchi Frédéric
- France-Lanord Arthur
- Giura Paola
- Klotz Stefan
- Ninet Sandra
- Pandolfi Silvia
- Pietrucci Fabio
- Saitta A. Marco
Research axes :
Methodological axes :
Supported projects :
Accelerated in-situ characterization of advanced materials for energy storage and transport by Raman spectroscopy