Call for proposals Île-de-France Region “ Major research, development and innovation projects linked to priority sectors ”
Call for projects informations
The Île-de-France Region is launching a call for proposals “Major research, development and innovation projects related to priority sectors”, funded by the European Regional Development Fund. This call for projects will mobilize a grant of 4 to 6 million euros under the action “Support for major research, development and innovation projects in priority sectors of the Region’s smart specialization strategy.“
The call for proposals presents the access modalities for collaborative research, development and innovation projects led by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or a public or private non-profit research and/or higher education institution, associating at least one other partner.
To promote the desired structuring effect, Île-de-France actors must work in close collaboration within a consortium of up to four partners (including the lead partner). Within the consortium, the lead partner designated by the partners must be an SME or a public or private non-profit research and/or higher education institution. To be eligible, consortium members must be:
- public or private non-profit research and/or higher education institutions;
- SMEs, with mid-sized companies being ineligible;
- competitiveness clusters, clusters, and technical centers.
Each consortium must include at least one SME.
These projects target the development of innovative processes, products, or services in Île-de-France, with:
- collaborative research, development, and innovation projects led by SMEs or a public or private non-profit research and/or higher education institution, associating at least one other partner;
- all consortium members located in Île-de-France.
Projects must fall within one or more strategic innovation domains of the Region’s smart specialization strategy that they will help strengthen.
Call for proposals documents
The application file must be sent solely online via the e-Synergie portal dedicated to European funding, within the ‘’Sous-direction instruction et gestion‘’ (SDIG) window and with the coding of the call for projects: AAP_FEDER_projets_RDI_19112024_13032025 and that of the project (as specified in section 6.2) : PR1-RSO1.1-1-AG: soutien aux grands projets de recherche, de développement et d’innovation (RDI) des filières prioritaires de la S3.
Submissions by e-mail or post will not be accepted.
Call for proposals Île-de-France Region “ Major research, development and innovation projects linked to priority sectors ”
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