2024 Network Day
Are you a student or researcher in the Ile-de-France region working on one of MaTerRE’s themes ? Our annual day is an opportunity not to be missed [...]
Are you a student or researcher in the Ile-de-France region working on one of MaTerRE’s themes ? Our annual day is an opportunity not to be missed [...]
MaTerRE partners with the DIM QuanTiP and BioConvS to offer you a series of MasterClass in communication and scientific mediation! Next and last session on July 5th, [...]
A unique event dedicated to Ile-de-France aqueous batteries actors in a friendly setting! The DIM MaTerRE organises its very first “Aqueous Batteries” Afterwork Networking. This meeting aims [...]
The DIMs MaTerRE and QuanTiP join forces once again and organise a second residential school on entrepreneurship! The school will be held from June 12th to 14th [...]
Registrations are open until June 7th for our next Workshop dedicated to operando methods for small molecule conversion! The workshop aims at gathering scientists working on operando [...]
Students and young researchers, register now for our day of courses dedicated to aqueous batteries! The basics of electrochemistry applied to aqueous batteries materials will be taught [...]
You would like to know more about the technology transfert actions and financing of MaTerRE? We will then meet you at the webinar “Pre-maturation with MaTerRE” which [...]