Afterwork Networking on Aqueous Batteries

Event Information

Date :May 23rd 2024 from 4 pm to 7 pm
Place :IPGG's Terrace (7th floor), 6 Rue Jean Calvin, 75005 Paris
Registration :Here

A unique event dedicated to Ile-de-France aqueous batteries actors in a friendly setting!

The DIM MaTerRE organises its very first “Aqueous Batteries” Afterwork Networking. This meeting aims to bring together students, researchers, teachers and industrialists in this field during a warm and relaxed moment. In the continuity of the two aqueous batteries workshops organised in January 2023 and 2024, this evening will be the ideal opportunity to forge or deepen ties, to make contacts, meet experts, exchange on your projects, initiate collaborations and much more.

We invite the entire scientific and industrial community of aqueous batteries to the terrace of the IPGG, with its beautiful panoramic view over Paris, on May 23rd in the late afternoon around an aperitif!

Free and mandatory registration at before May 16th.

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