Double•Science Festival

Event Information

Date :June 8th and 9th 2024
Place :Ground Control Gare de Lyon 81, rue du Charolais 75012 Paris

Come meet the researchers of DIM MaTerRE and play our thematic board games on Saturday, June 8th at the Double•Science Festival!

Double•Science is a free & interdisciplinary festival dedicated to science popularization. On June 8th and 9th 2024, the festival offers to all audiences to appropriate popularization and science to better understand the contemporary challenges of society. It is based on two original pillars:

  • Innovative and emerging formats at the border between culture, art and science in collaboration with various actors and actresses of the STIC who have little opportunity to exchange (DIMs, associations, foundations, freelancers and artists). The festival thus brings together a sensitive, committed and driving Ile-de-France community. The informal festival atmosphere then becomes a lever to promote synergies.
  • Interaction with audiences far away and/or intimidated by science, made possible thanks to the nature of the chosen place: Ground Control, a friendly, cultural and citizen third place, without any scientific connotation.

By hybridizing popularization & culture (music, stand-up, role-playing, etc.), Double•Science offers an immersive, accessible and participatory experience while focusing on societal issues such as climate change. To appropriate the scientific approach, marvel, question, experiment and engage in participatory sciences, audiences of all ages are guided through adapted paths for a two-way science.

The DIM MaTerRE will be present on Saturday, June 8th from 1 pm to 7:30 pm at the Jungle des Jeux stand, where you can find and play our three thematic board games, but also chat with researchers.

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