Federative equipment / Platforms 2024
Call for projects informations
Submit your federating equipment and platform projects before April 22 2024!

You want support to support the assembly and federate more teams around your project? Contact us now.
Eligible projects are carried out between team members of labs working on MaTerRE axes. Any Paris Region lab is eligible, without prior affiliation to the DIM. The submission of a project will be considered as an application for affiliation to the DIM. In this case, a team form must be submitted with the project for each non-affiliated partner.
The total cost of the project must be less than € 2 000 000 (pre tax cost). MaTerRE’s contribution can’t exceed 66% of the total cost (whichever amount is inferior).
New equipment and/or upgrade of existing ones are eligible as long as it meets the criteria of the call for proposals.
22 April 2024 at 11:59 pm: Deadline for proposal submission
Mid June 2024 : Panel review of the preselected project leaders..
Before mid-July 2024: Publication of the results. Final decision will depend on regional allowance
Submit your projects and find the evaluation criteria and terms of application on the dedicated platform.
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