Internship offer – Communication and scientific mediation

The Nanosciences Subdivision of the Physical Chemistry Division of the Société Chimique de France is looking for an intern who will have the mission of producing two types of short videos (3 to 5 min). The theme of the first type of videos will be “the notion of scale” and that of the second type “the influence of nanoscale size on properties (physical, chemical or biological…)”.

Profile sought: student in Master 2 Communication and Scientific Mediation

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Job information

Place :ITODYS Laboratory (15 Rue Jean Antoine de Baïf, 75013 Paris) or Jean Lamour Institute (Campus Artem 2 allée André Guinier,54011 Nancy)
Type of Contract:Intership
Duration:6 month

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Do you want to change the world by making the most of your research work or by developing a personal idea as part of a business start-up? [...]

Wednesday November 27 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.