Post-doctoral offer – ICMPE

The Institute of Chemistry and Materials Paris East (ICMPE), research laboratory of CNRS in the field of materials science for energy and sustainable processing, is looking for a post-doctoral fellow to work on a project on a new strengthening mechanism for metallic alloys.

The position will be located in the ICMPE in Thiais and supervised by Mathilde Laurent-Brocq, with a support of Régis Poulain

The candidate must have completed a thesis in metallurgy and have an experience in experimental work. He or she must demonstrate rigour, autonomy, initiative and efficiency, and have the capacity to write scientific publications.

To apply, please send your CV to the contact below.

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Job information

Place :ICMPE, 2 Rue Henri Dunant, 94320 Thiais
Type of Contract:Post-doctoral contract
Duration:1 year
Category :A
Remuneration :33 600 € / year
Closing of applications : -
Desired start date : October 1st, 2023

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