Recycling, Urban Mines and Eco-design

Articles et publications

Post-doctoral position

The ITODYS laboratory, a member of MaTerRE, is looking for a postdoctoral fellow in catalysis and physico-chemistry to work on the CATHY project, funded by the DIM [...]

Postdoctorate – ICMPE

The ICMPE is looking for a post-doc in polymer chemistry and/or MOFs to work on the PuriPFAS project, funded by the DIM MaTerRE!

Paris Region PhD

The PrPhD 2024 call for projects is open until 12 March 2024! An informational webinar is organised on 13 february. ELIGIBILITY Launched by the Île-De-France Region, the [...]

12 March 2024 at 5 pm

Research Engineer – IFPEN

The IFP Énergies Nouvelles is looking for an research engineer in thermodynamics and molecular modelling for energy transition. The thematic areas of intervention will focus on the [...]

Post-doctoral offer – ICMPE

The Institute of Chemistry and Materials Paris East (ICMPE), research laboratory of CNRS in the field of materials science for energy and sustainable processing, is looking for [...]

Technology Transfer

Submit your technology transfert project all year round! The call for proposals Technology Transfer on the run of the DIM MaTerRE is intended for any project with [...]

Applications open
On the run




PFAs elimination of contaminated water using stimuli-responsive well-dispersed polymer-photoactive MOF hybrid nanoparticles.



Upcycling of plastic blends from WEEE by Architecturation through Innovative Polymer processing methods
