Postdoctoral offer – SIMM – BioCoCo project

The SIMM laboratory, a member of MaTerRE, is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to work on the BioCoCo project, funded by MaTerRE. The position will focus on the Biopolymer functionalization and design for earth constructions admixtures.

Applicants must have a PhD in chemistry, physical chemistry or materials science, ideally with demonstrated experience in organic and/or macromolecular synthesis, polymer functionalization, or a good understanding of soft matter and/or clay science.

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Job information

Place :SIMM, ESPCI Paris, 10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris. Some experiments will be conducted the Navier laboratory (6 and 8 avenue Blaise-Pascal, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne)
Type of Contract:Postdoctoral contract
Duration:1 year (possible extension)
Category :A
Desired start date : September 2023

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