Professor of Chemistry – Laval University, Quebec

The Chemistry department of Laval University is seeking a Chemistry professor.

The applicant must have a PhD and a post-doctoral experience in this field and have recently published research papers.

In order to apply, please send your CV, a presentation of the planned research program and the names and addresses of three respondents, before 08/31/2023, to the contact below.

Interested in this job? Find more information about the job here.

Job information

Place :Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Laval University 1045, Avenue de la Médecine Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 Canada
Type of Contract:Permanent Contract
Category :A
Remuneration :Depends on the current collective agreement
Closing of applications : August 31st, 2023
Desired start date : January 3rd, 2024

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