Interdisciplinarity in action: feedback

Event Information

Date :May 28th 2024, from 9:15 am to 5:30 pm
Place :Maison de l'Ile-de-France - CIUP, 9 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Registration :Here

The DIM PAMIR, the Sustainable Energy Institute and the MSH Paris Saclay – in partnership with the Maison de l’Ile-De-France – organise a study day that gives voice to the experience reports of work in the interdisciplinary!

The projects and networks presented cover various fields such as the environment, health, heritage… and they all include a component in Human and Social Sciences.

Cédric Boissière (LCMCP), member of the DIM MaTerRE steering committee, will give a presentation of the DIM in the afternoon.

This study day extends the “Working in interdisciplinarity: feedback from experience” seminar held since February 2024.

Registration is free and mandatory.

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