Definition of materials chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2024)

Publication date : 16 Oct 2024
Authors : Milan Drábik, Robin T. Macaluso, Lukáš Krivosudský and Lidia Armelao
Published by : Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC)

An article by Milan Drábik, Robin T. Macaluso, Lukáš Krivosudský and Lidia Armelao, published on October 16, 2024 in the journal Pure and Applied Chemistry


Materials chemistry is focused on the design, preparation, and understanding of innovative materials.
It is an emerging area of research where definitions are not well established. This document defines the area of materials chemistry for the benefit of chemistry communities and the general public worldwide interested in this discipline. This recommendation defines the term “materials chemistry” as the “scientific discipline that designs, synthesizes, and characterizes materials, with particular interest on processing and understanding of useful or potentially useful properties displayed by the materials designed and synthesized for specific applications.”


advanced polymer materials; biomaterials; definition; design–synthesis–characterization–processing–
understanding–utilization; functional materials; materials chemistry; nanomaterials; structural materials.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is the world authority on digital standards in chemistry; chemical nomenclature and terminology, including the naming of new elements in the periodic table; on standardized methods for measurement; and on atomic weights. Founded in 1919, IUPAC has been creating the common language of chemistry for more than a century.

Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC)

Pure and Applied Chemistry (PAC) is the flagship journal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). PAC advances chemistry worldwide by publishing:

  • IUPAC formal Recommendations and Technical Reports
  • Research and review articles that explore critical areas of development in chemistry
  • Special issues on emergent and topical concerns in the chemical sciences

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