Architecture engineering of materials at different scales
In order to optimize the performance and functionality of materials, the study of the architecture of materials on several scales is essential. From the molecular scale to the scale of the object, the design and multi-scale study of materials is a promising field, but which now encounters an obstacle: to produce structures at higher scales. These techniques involve understanding the coupling between the molecular assembly and the deformation or flow of the material.
Will be preferred the studies around:
- Processes by foaming, footprint or freezing.
- Numerical modeling and artificial intelligence, enabling better understanding and multi-scale analysis of materials structure.
Articles et publications
Definition of materials chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2024)
Job offer Lecturer-researcher in Physics – LAMBE
Annual GFP Day – IDF
DIM maTerRE supports the 52nd National Colloquium of the Groupe Français des Polymères, to be held from November 19 to 22, 2024 on Sorbonne University’s Cordeliers campus. [...]
Post-doctoral offer – LCMCP / LIPESC
Post-doctoral position
Thesis offer – PIMM
Postdoctorate – ICMPE
Technology Transfer
Submit your technology transfert project all year round! The call for proposals Technology Transfer on the run of the DIM MaTerRE is intended for any project with [...]
metal CATalysts for HYdrogenative depolymerisation: comparison of molecular complexes and nanoparticles
Multiscale modeling of electrical and electrochemical processes in Gas Diffusion Photocathodes for advanc d CO2 conversion
MOF electrosynthesis on 3D structured electrodes for a new generation of microsupercapacitors.
Recycling 2.0
Solid-state recycling of aluminum alloys, an innovative process for enhanced sustainability