Energy Transition : Now and in the future

Event Information

Date :Every wednesdays from 5 April 2023 to 24 May 2023. Classes at 10am and seminars at 11am
Place :Amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé, Collège de France – 11 Place Marcelin-Berthelot, 75005 Paris

The combination of climate change, the inherent limitations of natural resources, and the need for energy sovereignty forces humanity to engage in an energy transition that must meet this formidable challenge: replace fossil energy sources (coal, gas and oil) with other energy sources, whether electric or not: nuclear, solar and wind, bioenergy. There are many difficulties: the need to address the issue on a global scale, the need to solve technological problems (energy storage, biomass mobilization, transformation of a whole range of industrial processes, etc.) and the economic and social problems that inevitably accompany this transition.

The course of 2022-2023 will be an introduction to this issue, recalling the data of the current energy and climate context, and discussing the different possible energy scenarios, developed in recent years to inform a French energy policy. It will continue in 2023-2024 by taking stock of the scientific and technological advances of the current energy transition: technologies for decarbonizing transport, housing and industry, technologies for storing energy (hydrogen), production of synthetic fuels, biofuels and biogas…

These courses will be accompanied by seminars given by specialists in climate, nuclear energy, mineral resources, residential energy, energy storage, etc.

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