Research Platforms – SESAME FEDER
The Île de France Region launches the call for proposals “Research Platforms – SESAME FEDER”! This call aims to support, develop and create structuring equipment, such as [...]
Today, digital technology is an essential part of materials research – and research in general. It provides a better understanding of the phenomena and properties of materials related to their structure while reducing the costs of designing new materials, thanks to high-throughput calculation for example. Developing intensive numerical methods to accelerate the design of environmentally responsible materials involves:
These techniques will make it possible to design materials at different scales, but also to model their size, their manufacturing method or the molecular interactions in their structure.
The Île de France Region launches the call for proposals “Research Platforms – SESAME FEDER”! This call aims to support, develop and create structuring equipment, such as [...]
The PrPhD 2024 call for projects is open until 12 March 2024! An informational webinar is organised on 13 february. ELIGIBILITY Launched by the Île-De-France Region, the [...]
Submit your technology transfert project all year round! The call for proposals Technology Transfer on the run of the DIM MaTerRE is intended for any project with [...]
Multiscale modeling of electrical and electrochemical processes in Gas Diffusion Photocathodes for advanc d CO2 conversion